Ice making in room 13
Wednesday 26th February, we got to school and we were all being good and showing integrity so our teacher said we could make it today. We were all very happy and excited. After lunch we all got into class and our teacher had raro, fizzy,water, cups and glad wrap, we had to add a little bit of raro into our cups, we got to choose the flavour out of lemonade and raspberry, I chose lemonade and Mere chose Raspberry, then we had to add water until our cups were filled halfway with water, then we had to fill the cup up all the way to the top with fizzy and then we had to rinse our popsicle stick then we had to go to mrs Fonua and she put glad wrap on top of our cups then we put tape around it , and then we had to poke our popsicle sticks into our cups, lastly we had to put it in the freezer the next 2 days we took it out of the freezer and took a nice class photo,then the bell ring as loud as my mum screams the did karakia and i saw every one in my classroom showing it off to people to make them jealous and walk and took a ride from home.
Hi Ana, I enjoyed reading about the ice-block making because you made it interesting by adding lots of detail. I think I would have chosen raspberry because raspberries are one of my favourite fruits. I hope the ice-blocks tasted as good as they sound.